Poverty Profile of Sulawesi Utara Province March 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tomohon Municipality

Bagi OPD/SKPD yang ingin mengajukan Rekomendasi Statistik harap bisa menghubungi PPID BPS Kota Tomohon a.n. Winarko, S.ST (082341658219) dan Manca Satria, S.Tr.Stat. (0882020664629)

Poverty Profile of Sulawesi Utara Province March 2020

Release Date : July 16, 2020
File Size : 1.58 MB


In March 2020, the number of poor people (residents with per capita expenditure per month under the Poverty Line) in Sulawesi Utara reached 192.37 thousand people (7.62 percent), up 3.77 thousand people from the conditions in September 2019 of 188, 60 thousand people (7.51 percent).

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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Sulawesi Utara

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